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Lisbeth Phillips Competition, 2021

A TRUE Story .

At Verulam Writers’ Circle, amongst our talented company, we often produce stories that grip us or thrill us or make us laugh. This year, I want a story on any subject that meets those criteria and fulfills another condition too. It must be true. It needn’t have happened in front of the writer, but it must have really happened.

So your brief is to tell, or re-tell, any story you have researched or experienced. It could be a romantic tale or crime story, an account of a battle or sporting triumph, a family history - from any period.

But it must be accurate, from reliable sources.

The Lisbeth Phillips Silver Plate will go to the writer of the liveliest, most entertaining and compelling piece – something like one of those Sunday supplement articles you go on reading even though your toast is getting cold.

That’s not too hard is it?

Enjoy the writing and good luck,

Ben Bergonzi

Entries are to be a maximum of 1000 words, written under a pseudonym and enclosed with a small sealed envelope containing the writer’s true name and the entry fee of £2.50. The deadline for submissions will be Wednesday November 17th, and Ben will announce the winner on Wednesday 1st December. The writer with the best pseudonym, chosen by acclaim, will be presented with the Gnome de Plume. If unable to submit an entry in person, Ben's address is available upon request through the website's contact form.

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